
The Best Twitter Plugins For WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems or CMS that is widely used by various organizations, businesses as well as individuals. A range of online applications are made frequently using this CMS. A lot of users make use of Twitter plugins for WordPress in order to popularize their site and attract more potential customers towards the business or brand. Following are some of the most popular twitter Plugins for WordPress.


This plugin is undoubtedly one of the best Twitter plugins that you will use for WordPress. It offers some excellent features and usability to users. It works as a powerful mobile theme and helps to transform the blog into an iPhone application. Not only does it gives you a lot of style and theme for the articles, but works brilliantly with AJAX driven-loading of articles. You can transform your site in a stylish version for the mobile phone users with the help of WPtouch.


This is another popular Twitter plugin for WordPress which is a hit among the social community. It allows the user to register for a site after which you can create the profiles and post messages etc. With this plugin, you will be easily able to create connections and interact with the other members of the group existing within the network. In simpler words, it will help you to achieve your personal and professional goals through these social networking sites.


This popular Twitter plugin is widely known for its usability features. It is basically a Social Bookmarking Widget that is mainly used for sharing and bookmarking, thereby allowing the user to share and bookmark a site for the specific content that it has.


With the help of Wordbooker Twitter plugin for WP, you can do cross posting to the Facebook Group, Fan Page or even Wall. You can use it as a Note, Status update or extract. A major reason behind the popularity of this twitter plugin is its ease of use and high visibility.

Network Publisher

It is one of the best Twitter Plugins for WordPress to keep your fans updated about the blog posts. With the help of this Twitter plugin you can publish the blog post automatically to various social networks including Twitter, FaceBook and LinkedIn etc. Also, it allows your follower to re-tweet blogs to the follower. Thus, if you are looking for a simple way to expand your follower base and display informative blog post, then Network Publisher is a must for you.


This WP plugin allows the ease of hosting a podcast. Not only will you get automatic feed generation in this Twitter plugin for WordPress but also various features like Podcast Download stats etc. This plugin supports a wide range of formats including that of Video podcasting.

IntenseDebate Comments

This twitter plugin offers you a wide range of uses. It is one of the best plugin when it comes to managing access to the files, pages and posts of a user. It helps to start a conversion on a blog. You can use it for building a self reader communality which will help to increase the comment on your blog and will surely increase your follower count.

All these Twitter plugins will definitely help you to get more Twitter followers, thereby helping you to popularize your brand and create more awareness.