
Exclusive programming for the home-makers only on DISH Network

How to Ensure Subliminal Programming Works

By using subliminal recordings you can bypass the conscious mind and reprogram your inner self through the use of carefully crafted subliminal messages.

  • Leadership excellence
  • Creative thinking mindset
  • Perfect lucid dreaming
  • Supreme self-confidence
  • Razor-sharp wit
  • Amazing memory
  • Amazing public speaking skills
  • Excellent speed reading
  • Lose weight quickly, and others!

Subliminal programs contain positive affirmations (subliminal messages) focused on particular areas chosen by the listener, to accomplish a specific aim. The mind “accepts” these affirmations without question, at the subconscious level, immediately beginning the work of transforming the messages into actuality in the person’s life.

While subliminal programming is highly effective, there are factors to be considered to ensure success.

– Embedded messages. You can choose your signature style statement very easily by watching the wide array of fashion and lifestyle programs that are regularly aired on various channels of DISH Network. This superb channel encompasses all the programs on style, beauty and fashion that form an integral part of a women’s life. The word cooking is synonymous to with word housewife. DISH Network offers quite a few programs that fulfill this desire of the home makers. With DISH TV DVR Receiver, you can record up to 1000 hours of your favorite shows and programs.