
Startup, SME: 7 tips to boost your business

How to establish the reputation of your business, build credibility with your commercial and institutional partners or attract the attention of new customers? Summer is the perfect time to rethink your brand, develop your strategy and bring some novelty to it all. Here are 7 tips that will help you boost your activity for September …

Refresh your brand

It is always difficult to grasp the summer for a contractor. The activity is minimized, it is perhaps time to get into the changes that you have always postponed. If you have not already done so, you can create a new logo for your company to be easily recognizable and evolve your visual identity to respond to a demand that may have evolved. This will allow at the same time state your logo on new media to reach new customers.

Call to novelty

Challenge your working methods by seeking a more effective and faster to accomplish your goals. Is there a new tool that will allow me to do better in less time? Are there new materials that would allow me to convey my best brand? It’s outside the box found what we need. Why not use Evernote to quickly manage your note-taking by integrating photos or voice recordings; create an account on Hootsuite to animate and synchronize all your social networks; or install Slack to facilitate communication within your company … yourself updated on new technologies and new Web services that will boost your productivity.

Take care of your community

“Ah! When I speak of myself, I’m talking about you. How do you feel it? “Victor Hugo said. Your users do not always make this shortcut. Vary your messages on social networks and do not speak (that) you. Share information that will inspire your community, make them want to know more. Ask her questions, ask his opinion, reveal stories or achievements of your customers, so that she feels involved and loved. Create a unique and useful content for your community – through a blog , or in a newsletter – to increase its commitment to your brand.

Be where your target is

Be present on social media that can be useful for your business and also think of those used by your customers. Consider how your target behaves on the internet and what sites they frequent. This is where you need to be. For a company that is immersed in a creative medium, for example, it is essential to be present on social platforms centered on the visual as Instagram or Pinterest. This is the best way of showing the success of its services.

Put yourself in your customers value through

A customer praised your service or your product? Do not be shy, do run the compliment in the rooftops: social networks, blogs, communication media, word-of-mouth … Make these easy to share customer testimonials. They represent a significant vote of confidence for consumers. You can also create a page on your site bringing together the positive testimonials you’ve recovered from your customers or include them in a relevant area. For example you can create a button to allow customers satisfied to send a tweet from their profile.

Remember retention

Your customers are valuable, do not underestimate. They can leave and never come back … Remember that retain a customer is 5-10 times cheaper than to acquire a new one. Invite them to reuse your service using all the tools available to you: offer them a sponsorship offers, loyalty points, point reductions. Customer loyalty should be part of your strategy: a very satisfied customer speaks to 3 people on average while an unhappy customer informed the other 12.

A little audacity

When preparing new content (article, video, computer graphics), do not be afraid to go out of the ordinary. Without being extravagant, you have the ability to innovate in your messages by combining business with pleasure to make your viral content possible. Consider the change as a real opportunity!

These tips should keep you busy this summer and help you best prepare the return with a new look, new jobs and a marketing approach that uses the power of community.