Word processors work wonderfully, right up until the time you need to draw a diagram to illustrate your work. SmartDraw provides a handy shortcut for anyone in this situation, offering a plethora of diagram templates and art elements that eliminate the need to start from scratch.
A huge variety of possible uses has been included, from software engineering or business modeling to anatomical illustration. Generic templates include flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, family trees, ER diagrams, and far more. A clip-art collection helps fill out the basic templates, and a drag-and-drop tool lets users easily add frequently used symbol combinations.
The program also functions as a standalone drawing tool, supporting free-hand drawing, image layers, text, and tables. Work can be saved in a number of formats including JPEG, PDF, HTML and AutoCAD Interchange.
As a fast illustration or business tool for someone who’s not doing full-blown design work, we think this program functions extraordinarily well.
SmartDraw 2010 makes it easier than ever to create business graphics, diagrams and charts of all kinds, to improve communication, productivity, organization, management and planning.
SmartDraw 2010 was designed to help businesses be more productive by distributing the planning process, documenting company knowledge and improving their presentations. It lets users turn flowcharts, PowerPoints, floors plans, and business presentations into compelling visuals (users can discard expensive Microsoft software add-ons).
Users can animate a .PPT using thousands of smart templates, theme slides, a story board and effects.
This version features a simple and easy integration with Microsoft Visio and SharePoint collaboration. SmartDraw 2010 allows businesses to leverage the power of visual communications with efficiency and ease