
Operating with Bank of America Household Retention Department to Get a Loan Modification

Don't Qualify For Loan Modification? Save Your Home From Foreclosure Even If You Can't Make Payments

Of course, it’s not new if you didn’t qualify for Obama’s Mortgage plan.

Some homeowners were even told that they have to apply for a different loan modification program.

Don’t Qualify For Loan Modification? Save Your Home From Foreclosure Even If You Can’t Make Payments

One thing I have learned when dealing with the Bank of America (B of A) loan modification department or any servicing lender is always double check and recheck the information you are being told about the status of your loan modification.; The Bank of America (B of A) loan modification and home retention department has OVER 10 different call centers in the US alone and supposedly they operate the same, unfortunately they don’t (big surprise!).; This leaves distressed homeowners with incorrect and inaccurate information.; Sometimes causing them to lose their home!

3) ; ;Check Lender Website: Check out the lender’s website and review the types of options they have available to struggling homeowners.

4) ; ;Double Check Phone #: Make sure you are calling the right department usually home retention!; Yes, I know frustrating.

5) ; ;Submit and then FOLLOW UP: Once you submit your application call and check that the lender has everything they need!; Most often homeowners do not fill out lender forms correctly (Request of Modification Affidavit) RMA, or do not send in correct supporting documents (income ; bank statements).