
Free Php Websites, Free Webmaster Tools

Free PHP Websites, Free Webmaster Tools


Changes in the economy, has caused more people to begin looking for alternative means of earning an income. As online income seekers migrate to the internet to start business, they find the need for a website to be an important part of starting there online business. These new website owners are in need of Free webmaster tools that will allow them to become more efficient in building there websites, maintaining there websites, and learning the basis money making option they can use to make their new website a success.


Free PHP Websites

To get started as a webmaster you need to learn the basics of creating a website, or you can also use any website builder program that will walk you though the creation of building your website. Website wizards can usually be accessed, when you apply for hosting at one of the major host, like godaddy.com. You can also obtain up to 14 free PHP Websites when visiting one of the, install a script websites we found online. You will also need, tool that help you to build, maintain, monetize and track your website.

Free Webmaster Tools

After you have built your first website, the process of monetizing , maintaining and tracking it is the next step involved in building your site. It is important as a webmaster to optimize your site for keywords that are related to your site. This process involves

learning search engine optimization techniques, learning how to optimize your site for high page ranking, using tools to submit your website to search engines, directories, forums and blogs. Also, setting up a daily, or weekly strategy to check your site for page ranking and monitor you site in order to track various aspects of your new website.

Using Free Webmaster Tools

Free Webmaster Tools, like instant site optimizer, site submission tools, and tools that tell you which pages are indexed and which pages need to be indexed, are all tools that a webmaster should use on a regular basis. Another, very important free webmaster tool, is a strategy for link building that will help your website to be listed higher in the search engines.


Using original content, article submission to boost your website ranking is another important step in getting high rankings, and more traffic to your website. We have set up a program that will allow you continual Free original content articles to be used on your site, via our article bartering program,