Many of my friends are teased by the success story of world internet marketer. It seems to them that this business could change their life in one night. No wonder, as many of these successful internet marketer are interviewed by magazines and newspaper almost each month, and they usually show their income which could reach thousands of dollar in a month.
No wonder, as success story of young students are published each year. And no wonder, as some of them could reach their success in no long time. They think being success in internet marketing is easy as students can do, so there should not be any problem if these twenties, thirties, and even fourties want to start their online business too.
These of my friends, or the people who want to be the next successful internet marketer, usually only see the result of a could be long process before they reach their success. It is true that some of them reach their success in a short time. But actually this is just typical as those of offline businesses, lucky factor plays here, some need months and others need years to be successful businessman.
They will not be bothered if they can earn a good income in a short time, but they will give up soon after trying several months and no income. This is wrong. Let me tell my story.
I started my internet marketing in 2005. At that time I must learnt how to build a website, learnt a little about basic language of html and php. I must say that I could be an expert of website builder in three months. Why did it take so long? Because this work was completely different from my work at the office. I usually use Microsof Word, Exel, Power Point, kind of that for files, database and my own presentation. My boss never asked me to build a website or even a blog. So I must say that I did not earn anything for the first three months of my internet marketing career. Even I have to sacrifice some to buy a domain name, hosting, and tutorial fees.
I spent the next two months to research for a high quality product. Yes, if you want to be recognized as a trusted internet marketer, you must offer good products for your readers or consumers. The next three months passed by without any earning. My first buyers came in the fourth month. If I calculate, three months spent for styudy building a website. Two months for research. The other three months no buyer. In total, I spend eight months without earning at all.
So I might wait for eight months to get the first income from internet marketing. And I got only one buyer for the whole month. Did I quit? No.
Instead, I build another website and promote another product. I did take a research for a quality product as I did not want to embarassed my consumers. This time I was lucky because I found a niche market that brought me to the first buyer at the first day I promote the product.
So I told to my friends not to quit if you fail at the first try. In my case, I got my success at the second try. But others my find their success at the third, fourth, fifth, etc. try. Some others found their success at the first try.
If you like doing business, especially online business, do not give up if you fail at the first try. If you have choosen this internet marketing as a career, you will try and try again until you get what you want.