
Create a podcast website of your dream with Site2you

As modern technologies grow merely every day it is difficult to keep up with all the competitors on the Internet market. Nowadays there is a bunch of ways to attract new visitors to your website and one of them is to upload your podcasts. Let’s specify what a podcast is. Podcast is an audio file containing your own radio show or any other audio you can attach to your website from your iPod or another Mp3 player. Using these modern techs you can easily enlarge traffic for your website and boost success for your online business. So why not to try to
create your own website with Site2you in three simple steps?

Visit us online at www.site2you.com and make sure that to build a podcast web page with Site2you is not difficult at all. Specially for that purpose our professional webmasters have elaborated tutorial for you.

The first and the most important step to build a website with podcasts is to upload your Mp3 file from your computer. Go to “Edit Page Layout” =>”Add Content Box” => “Miscellaneous” => “MP3 Player” button to add a new item to your web page.

Make a double click on the player area to go to “Edit content” mode. Here you can easily add as many files as you want and change their properties. Due to “Advanced Content Editing” tab you can add either one audio file or a group of files. Simply click on “Add a new element to MP3 Player” tab to upload a new item and give it a name and write a preview for it. By clicking on “Add a new element” you can save all changes.

Now you see that to create a podcast website with Site2you is as easy as a pie. Due to our simple tutorial it takes minimum of time and your nerves so that you have your site done by the end of the day. Now you can easily modify it any moment and add fresh podcasts whenever you want.

Afterwards you can move to editing the layout and home page appearance. You won’t find this step difficult at all.

You can also modify your company’s logo and slogan following this simple script. Just click on “Edit content” => “Edit highlighted content” button and then go to the site menu to edit all the elements according to your needs.

Use “iBrowser” button in WYSIWYG editor to open media library and upload your images. By clicking on “Insert/Edit link” tab you can easily link images, podcasts and texts from to your website and external resources.

Keep in mind that all our e-turnkeys have been designed adaptable to every client’s needs and are fully adaptable to make a website competitive.

With Site2you your dream of creating a website for your own radio station can come true simply in no time. In fact you do not need to possess any particular computer or designing skills for that purpose. Moreover the whole process takes minimum of time due to our simple in use admin panels. Even if some problems occur while editing your site don not hesitate to click on “Contact webmaster” tab in your Admin panel. Visit us online right now to learn more about our product and services.