
Boating Accident Hazards

Boating is a popular pastime all across the country, particularly during summer weekends and holidays. Unfortunately, this is also the most common time for boating accidents to occur. If you plan to spend time on the water this spring and summer, it is important to be aware of common boating hazards that could put you and your loved ones in danger. Knowing these dangers can help you take the necessary precautions to keep you and your family and friends safe.
Common Dangers to Watch For
No matter where you go, chances are that you will encounter an unsafe boater while you are out on the water. A reckless boater may cause a serious accident that results in severe injury or death, so it is crucial that you do everything possible to avoid them. Some warning signs of a reckless or distracted boater include:
* Speeding
* Boating too close to other watercraft or swimmers
* Boating too close to shore
* Weaving across the water in front of other watercraft
* Failing to use signals, lights, or other important equipment
* Boating while intoxicated
Unsafe boat operators are a threat to themselves and others. A boat crash could lead to significant injuries that require extensive medical care. In addition, a boating accident victim may experience other costs from the crash, such as lost income from time off of work, boat damage, and pain and suffering. If you or someone you know has been hurt in a boat accident, you may be eligible to pursue a lawsuit for compensation against the negligent boat operator responsible for your accident.