
Selecting Appointment Scheduling Software


– Is the online appointment scheduling software limited to one or only a few specialties? Does it have the capability of meeting your immediate and projected needs?


– Does the online appointment software meet HIPAA requirements?


– Many types of practices gather appointments from a wide input of sources. Can the online scheduling software receive appointments made online, in-person, and by telephone? Can office staff easily customize and modify the list of services, schedules, and email messages for confirmations and reminders?

Compare Cost

– There are several excellent online scheduling programs are available at little or no cost. Look for hidden costs. Are fees contingent on increasing use of software or other criteria?

Compare Appointment Mechanisms

– Does the online software just offer email tag that offers appointments? Better yet, can users book their appointments directly though online access?

– Can your office screen and confirm appointments made online before they are placed in your calendar?
– Can the software automatically generate appointment confirmations and appointment reminders?

Backup utility

– Does the online appointment software have a utility for backup?
– Does the online appointment system provide a backup electronic trail of appointment confirmations and appointment reminders that may be referenced at a later time?


– Can the Daily Appointment Report be customized for your office?

Technology and Ease of Use

– Does the online scheduling software require highly technical installation and costly maintenance? Is the online scheduling software available on the Internet using a standard browser?

Recall Management

– Does the online appointment software provide recall by email by customized criteria of your choice?

– Can recall notification be sent on an individual basis?
– Does it have a block list to exclude selected individuals from receiving unwanted recall?

Great Tip: Some of the best appointment scheduling software is available at little or no cost.