If you have kids, your mornings are probably a blur of activity. Packing lunches, getting dressed, finding homework and backpacks and trying to get out the door on time doesn’t leave much time for breakfast. If this is the case at your house, you’ll love these ideas for breakfasts that you can make ahead of time and grab on the way out the door. Portable, easy to eat and neat enough to eat in the car, these breakfasts will fill you up and get you on your way.
Enlist your kids to help with a Saturday afternoon muffin making marathon. Kids love muffins. They are easy to eat and taste like cake. For your muffin marathon, plan to bake 3 or 4 different kinds, all packed with healthy fruits and nuts. Some delicious and nutritious muffin options are pumpkin raisin, carrot walnut, peach pecan, lemon blueberry, coconut banana or apple cinnamon. Gather the ingredients and mix them up and bake them all in one day. When they are done, save a few for dinner and for tomorrow’s breakfast, but package all of the rest in pairs in baggies and freeze them. When you need a fast breakfast on the go, grab a bag, microwave it for 45 seconds to defrost and you are out the door with a nutritious breakfast. Muffins are great for lunches, too. Toss a couple of frozen muffins into your kid’s lunch box. The muffins will be thawed and ready to eat by lunch time.
Cheese Sticks
Mozzarella or cheddar cheese sticks are a great grab-and-go breakfast. Packed with protein, cheese sticks are an easy way to make sure your kids are alert and focused during school. Pair mozzarella cheese sticks with apple or pear slices and a crunchy granola bar for a car-friendly breakfast on the go that your kids will love.
Breakfast Pitas
If you have a minute or two while you are waiting for your kids to get dressed, you have time to put together a breakfast pita. Put into a pita, breakfast can go in the car, because the rounded edges keep all of the potentially messy parts contained. Some great combinations are peanut butter and bananas, cream cheese and jelly or butter and cheese slices. You could even whip up some scrambled eggs and fill a pita with them. Anything that your kids like in a regular sandwich is more fun in a pita.
You don’t have to settle for empty calories or junk food or even worse, skipping breakfast altogether just because you are in a hurry. These nutrient-dense, healthy breakfasts will ensure your kids have a great day.
Don’t let your kids go off without breakfast! Cooking for your family can be fun and easy and here are more tips on how to do it. Move beyond frozen meals today!