I know you’ve been looking for something like this for quite a while now but nothing seems to fit the bill… Well, you just landed yourself one heck of a deal if you want to give this free digital scrapbooking software a spin.
Specifically, I am speaking of Picaboo. Free download, great service, an all in one digital scrapbooking workhorse. Or, for those of us who are a little lighter on the green – a much needed break from spending on every little thing we must use to feed our addiction…
Once you have downloaded the software, you can begin playing around with it, adding your pictures – testing them out in different layout styles. The software does have a very easy-to-use interface. If you are computer savvy, you will be able to pick it up in no time. But, for those of us who aren’t so confident on this mechanical wonder machine that we call a computer…
they do offer a helpful how-to section.
Printing your digital scrapbook also becomes a breeze. If you have pages that are finished, sitting in an album somewhere, have them printed and turned into a photo book. Just scan that puppy in – hit upload to Picaboo and presto chango, 5 to 10 more pages ought to make a nice photo book that you can now enjoy on your coffee table, or give as a gift.
One of the benefits of using their software is that in conjunction with their terms of use, you have access to over 16,000 scrapbook background pages. Yes, you heard right… I know, what a deal! All of your digital scrapbooking problems solved!