In the financial job market, there are many obstacles for graduates seeking to rise quickly in their professional lives. Financial organisations, ranging from banks to international stock-brokers, adopt high standards for their middle and upper management professionals. Indeed, the delicacy of the marketplace and the attitudes of individual clients towards their financial situation requires a high level of experience and good aptitude for a management position. The financial graduate who is just leaving university to find a job, however, can accelerate the process of rising quickly in the field of finance by choosing the right entry-level finance job.
The first consideration for professionals looking for entry-level finance jobs is their short term goals. If a graduate is concerned with making a good salary immediately, working with an international company or a larger bank may be the wisest move. However, those who want to build experience and rise through the ranks may wish to consider smaller organisations, such as financial planning firms, where there is more contact between executives, managers, and entry-level workers. This is an important consideration, as it can set you off on the right or wrong foot immediately.
Another important thought on entry-level finance jobs concerns the amount of upward mobility available for exceptional finance graduates. The graduate, who works for an international bank, can certainly rise to prominence within the company and the industry in general. Indeed, there is plenty of opportunity for such a professional to rise to local, regional, national, and international positions. For the graduate who works with a smaller company, mobility may be more difficult because of the relatively fewer positions between president and entry-level worker.
A third consideration on entry-level finance jobs is the nature of the job that a graduate accepts. Indeed, the chances of rising through the ranks decrease if a professional doesnt enjoy their job and bring the same level of effort day in and day out. A professional who wants to help people directly may wish to work as a financial planner or advisor and rise to departmental management after years of commitment to client success. Another professional that thinks of finance in terms of larger companies, or even governments, may desire to make their way as a stockbroker or corporate financial professional, rising through the ranks by networking with prominent clients. All these considerations are important when thinking of the best entry-level finance job for a particular graduate.